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Community support in your language

Collaborate with free software communities.

Free software thrives on people helping each other when the unexpected happens. QuickBuild Answers helps your project’s community track support requests in multiple languages and create a searchable knowledge-base of answers.

Support in your language

Although most development and planning happens in English, people use free software in hundreds of languages.

Support in your language

Rather than ask people to describe their problem in an unfamiliar language, QuickBuild lets them ask for help and get a reply in their own language.

Track questions like bugs

QuickBuild tracks help requests just like bugs: each question has a status, comment history and list of subscribers.

Track questions like bugs

Members of your community can volunteer to be support contacts — in effect your help triage team — and receive notification of all new questions in their chosen languages. Throughout a question’s life, the person looking for help and the people offering advice can set its status from unanswered through to solved.

Knowledge-base and FAQs

All projects have their frequently asked questions.

Knowledge-base and FAQs

QuickBuild provides a repository for your community’s knowledge, which builds organically as people ask and answer questions.

When someone asks for help QuickBuild searches solved questions to find a likely answer. Similarly, when support contacts come across a frequently asked question they can select the best answer and make it available as a template for future use.